CECAM 55 - September 2-4 2024
Fostering computational science for societal progress
Founded in 1969 in Paris, CECAM is an international organisation that has fostered new methods and trained generations of researchers in computational science. To celebrate its 55th birthday, we shall explore leading edge applications in the field and their impact on health and sustainability challenges. We shall also discover how new methods, combining fundamental and data driven approaches with emerging technologies, will drive further progress and push the boundaries of our field.

Keynote speakers

University of Cambridge, UK

Princeton University, USA

Princeton University, USA

University of Chicago, USA

An exciting program featuring talks by experienced and early career researchers in the informal and discussion oriented CECAM environment.

Plan your participation
Venue on the EPFL campus
The conference will take place in auditorium BCH 2201, in the building Batochime, on EPFL campus. This auditorium has a capacity of up to 220 attendees.
The poster session will take place in CECAM-HQ, room BCH 2103, in the same building.